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Interim CIO/CTO Leadership

The Interim CIO/CTO provides technology strategy and operational leadership to the organization on a short-term basis.  The interim role may be necessary due to planned or unplanned events.  The need often arises due to a change with the current technology leader, such as a job transfer, resignation, maternity leave, termination, illness, or promotion.  The reason may also be due to business events, such as mergers, acquisitions, restructuring, or right-sizing of the organization. 

Interim CIO

Regardless of the temporary nature of the interim CIO/CTO role, our technology leaders focus on delivering the maximum value possible while working as a member of your senior executive team.


Interim CIO/CTO Objectives:

  • Continuity of business operations from effective IT leadership

  • Effective delivery of in-flight project deliverables and critical business changes

  • Delivering additional value through the identification of technology or business opportunities

  • Uneventful transition back to the returning CIO/CTO or to a replacement CIO/CTO

Service Engagement Options

Teremark offers flexible engagement options via retainer or short-term engagements.

  • Full-time Engagement – A full-time role for a short duration as the CIO or CTO typically works best.

  • Onsite or Remote – A combination of both is possible, but onsite is generally most effective in this situation.

  • Mentoring Engagement – Interim leadership as mentor to other technology leaders for specific situations or needs.


Benefits of Teremark Interim CIO/CTO Leadership

  • You get immediate access to experienced CIO, CTO, and CISO leaders without the expense and commitment of a permanent hire.

  • We have experienced many organizational changes throughout our careers.  We know how to manage disruption while continuing to drive value through technology and IT management.

  • We remain objective as a neutral participant in your organization, ensuring that technology initiatives continue to serve company objectives despite the current situation.

  • Our technology leaders have experience at some of the most recognized banks and credit unions in the nation, and you get to leverage the wisdom they have acquired from leading technology organizations through many difficult situations.

  • We are flexible and can scale the level of engagement up or down as your needs change.

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